Tuesday, October 5, 2021


We are being told everyday to be hungry for more, we stress ourselves out daily so that we get more, more money, more comfort, more facilities, more power. Time to time when you go out somewhere like river, sea, any natural or religious or any place in which you find calmness, your mind gives you hint that this is what you want, eternal or internal peace, that one thought or chain of thoughts or moments in which you are not thinking about problems in your life nor ambition nor what troubles you but you are feeling that you are travelling weightless, as if you are left in space by someone without time limit to find out how beautiful the dark is, the light is, the space is. You see a fish, a bird and you realise I am as less important as that in big scheme of things, so why worry so much for things beyond a point. Live for those moments that give you these feelings, inner peace. Crave for that more. I am calm from outside but not inside, there is always so much going on inside, I am trying to be calm from inside, unfazed by jealousy, material gains or losses, not affected by differences and see what is positive in this, I m not there yet, in fact way to go but I m trying..this is journey which might not end and "I" end before but this journey of trying will continue

Friday, July 19, 2013


If you are living in India currently, one almost gets the feeling that we are surrounded by negativity, be it print media, news channels, scams, and the most disturbing thing to me is that in any country the main politicial parties have the responsibilities to drive the change, but unfortunately now, we have entered the era in which the word OPPOSITION has been taken to new heights wherein no matter whatever govt does, only the negative aspects are talked about by OPPOSITION leaders. I think we need a party or we need the current main political parties like BJP, Congress, NCP, etc. to make sure that if any state government or central government does any good job or good work, they should welcome and appreciate it because people are looking to them and if they become the picture of negativity and pessimism then the entire atmosphere in the country becomes passive which is never good for a country. Just like we criticize our municipal corporation, MLA, ministers for corruption or anything bad happens, I think we need to appreciate whenever some good work is done otherwise we will end up in a situation wherein even those who are working diligently in the govt departments will start feeling like whatever good job they are doing is waste as all people, media have all negative things to say about all organizations, so I would like to strike a positive note in this otherwise negative/pessimistic society that we have become. Lets make a start wherein we start appreciating some good positive things that have happened, which are many in last 10-15 years in India, be it infrastructure, quality of services that we enjoy in day-to-day life, living standard, and so many other things.